
新世界 (New Age)歌词 吉克隽逸新世界试听

2023-09-09 来源:网络整理 责任编辑:京百家 点击:


  《新世界》(New Age)是由美国音乐制作人Daryl K作词作曲,中国内地著名歌手吉克隽逸演唱的歌曲,作为目前华语音乐市场上为数不多的trap女声,这首歌也是吉克隽逸自己的一个大胆突破。




  歌词含义特别,突破了吉克隽逸以往演唱歌曲的“固有风格”,反而铺上了一层“破坏”的姿色,而这种“破坏”,不是任性撒娇的“小打小闹”,而是狂野霸道的 “不破不立”,旨在激励年轻人创新突破,抓住自己的想法,拥有自己的生活,让人不由自主的便被这独具魅力的姿态给感染和鼓舞了。

  《新世界》(New Age)这首歌同样将收录在吉克隽逸第三张专辑《世界公民》(Global Citizen)当中,正如歌词“A gun like this”中,“gun”象征一种自信的、自由的力量,代表着她勇往直前、敢于打破陈规的精神,也代表随着吉克探索脚步,一个全新的世界将展现在大家面前,一切都是崭新的,包括她自己。

  新世界 (New Age)


  作曲 : Daryl K/王韵韵/Calvin C

  作词 : Daryl K/王韵韵/Calvin C

  编曲:Daryl K

  制作人:Daryl K

  Fire burn quicker than a fundraise kicker

  In the summertime rays I'm hotter than the weather

  I'm the boss chick with the stare so killer that you freeze

  Hold your guns load em up time miller ah

  Three two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Three two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Welcome to the new age

  Hands to the sky a new day

  Welcome to the new age

  Hands to the sky a new day for a gun like this

  A gun like this

  A gun like this

  A gun like this

  Hands to the sky for a gun like this

  Three two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Three two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Welcome to the new age

  Hands to the sky a new day for a gun like this

  A gun like this

  A gun like this

  A gun like this

  Hands to the sky for a gun like this

  Three two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Three two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta

  Lighters in the sky take a hit so high

  Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta

  Lighters in the sky take a hit so high

  Welcome to the new age

  Hands to the sky a new day

  Fire burn quicker than a fundraise kicker

  In the summertime rays I'm hotter than the weather

  I'm the boss chick with the stare so killer that you freeze

  Hold your guns load em up time miller ah

  Three two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Three two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Three two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Three two one blow a fuse go off on em

  Two one blow a fuse go off on em


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