
爸爸去哪儿5第五季最后一期背景音乐 吴尊一家出场插曲是什么

2022-09-19 来源:网络整理 责任编辑:京百家 点击:





  Would you dance

  If I asked you to dance?

  Would you run

  And never look back?

  Would you cry

  If you saw me crying?

  And would you save my soul, tonight?

  Would you tremble

  If I touched your lips?

  Would you laugh?

  Oh please tell me this.

  Now would you die

  For the one you loved?

  Hold me in your arms, tonight.

  I can be your hero, baby.

  I can kiss away the pain.

  I will stand by you forever.

  You can take my breath away.

  Would you swear

  That you ll always be mine?

  Or would you lie?

  would you run and hide?

  Am I in too deep?

  Have I lost my mind?

  I don t care...

  You re here tonight.

  I can be your hero, baby.

  I can kiss away the pain.

  I will stand by you forever.

  You can take my breath away.

  I just want to hold you.

  I just want to hold you.


  Am I in too deep?

  Have I lost my mind?

  I don t care...

  You re here tonight.

  I can be your hero, baby.

  I can kiss away the pain.

  I will stand by you forever.

  I can be your hero.

  I can kiss away the pain.

  And I will stand by you forever.

  You can take my breath away.

  You can take my breath away.

  I can be your hero.


原标题:爸爸去哪儿第五季完美收官 背景音乐引人回忆

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